How to Ensure You Will Get More Than Your Asking Price for Your Selling House in Boise

When you place your house on the market in your neighborhood, you hope to see purchasers lining up to get a chance to buy it. We’ll talk about how to make sure you receive more money for your selling house in Boise by going over ways to make sure you get more than your asking price.

Optimize the Space

Prior to doing anything else, you need to thoroughly clean and declutter your entire property. 

This entails a thorough cleaning as well as the removal of any belongings you no longer need or want, so that each area looks its best. This includes storage areas that can become crowded with time, causing someone looking to buy a property in your region to believe your house won’t be able to meet their storage requirements.

You Will Get More Than Your Asking Price for Your Selling House in Boise

Moving furniture around to create better traffic flow is also a helpful way of making the entire experience better for those coming to see your selling house in Boise.

Get Some Help

Once your home is clean and organized, you want to find a qualified and experienced real estate professional to guide and represent you through the process of selling your home. 

Agents have the local market knowledge and relationships to make your selling house in Boise a breeze, and they will more than make up for their fee when you sell your home for more than you asked for.

Meet with at least three agents to get a sense of their working styles, personalities, and to ask any queries you might have. Assess each agent’s responses to your questions as well as your degree of comfort with them to determine which one is the greatest fit for you.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate their fees, either. The worst an agent can tell you is “no,” but even asking if they’ll reduce their take can put more money in your pocket when all is said and done.

Start at a Reasonable Place

Cleaning and organizing your home is definitely a part of the sales equation, but so is pricing your selling house in Boise appropriately. 

If you price your Boise home too high, you’ll lose buyer interest, and if you price it too low, buyers may suspect you’re attempting to sell it quickly for nefarious reasons.

This step is one of the first big ways your agent will show their expertise and worth. They will take the final sales prices of similar homes in your area that have sold over the last few years and factor in market trends to calculate the pricing sweet spot for your home.

Push the Message

After your listing has been made active on the local market, your job isn’t to sit back and do nothing. 

Share the listing and photographs on all of your usual social media sites to help spread the news about your for-sale home. Share the post on local real estate groups, and then urge your friends and relatives to share it with their friends.

The idea here is to get as many people as possible to see your listing, which will directly result in more potential overall interest.

Pick Apart the Offers

As buyers start to flock and put in offers, do not simply accept the first one with a nice price attached to it. 

To prevent accepting an offer that would actually come in cheaper than others, you must account for every component of it, which usually includes detailing the contingencies.

Your agent will be a rock star at separating out offers into their important bits, and then translate all of those pieces into something that is easily understood by you.

Your Partner to Get More Than Your Asking Price in Boise

If you want help to get you more than your asking price for your selling home in Boise, contact us today at (208)314-1350!

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