How To Get Cash For Houses Boise, Idaho? Even If You’re Behind On Taxes

Get A Cash Offer For Your Property. Even If You're Behind On Taxes

Hey!! This is Tyler with the Boise House Buyers, just wanted to discuss the situation that we face quite frequently and maybe that’s why you’re watching this video.

A lot of the time sellers will call us and let us know that they are interested in receiving cash for house in Boise and that they would like to close quickly. Also, they let us know that they are behind in the property taxes and before the process goes any further they would like to see what we can offer and see if we can help them out of their current situation.

We pay cash for houses in Boise, and we have had numerous sellers in the situation where we have been able to help them, some were behind a few months,  some were behind a year, and one we bought was even three years behind on property taxes.

In each, case we were able to give the seller a cash offer, we asked them as far as what closing date they would like to close on, and if it’s time-sensitive due to a tax sale or whatever the reason we’re able to honor that; and then anything else that they would like to address as far as concerns to the sell their property. We are able to discuss that over the phone or at an in-person appointment when we go to view the property condition.

Most of the time it’s a very easy process, we try to remove any of the hurdles as far as closing costs realtor commissions or anything of that sort, and try to streamline the process and make it as easy as possible.

If you are currently behind on the property taxes and you’re not sure what to do, and you are looking for options… we definitely are one of them, we would like to speak with you to
see if it is something that: A) we’re interested in purchasing, and B) if we can help you out of the situation.

Our goal is to create a situation that is a win-win, and once we meet you in person we will present you with an offer and if that works we’re happy, and if not that’s okay too!, but we do like to provide you at least this option.

So if you are interested and you are currently behind on your property taxes and you would like to know if we would be able to help you out of the situation our number directly is:

(208) 314-1350

And somebody from our office would be happy to schedule an appointment with you to see if we can help you out. I hope this helps!

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