6 Ways To Market Your Boise Selling Property Without Holding An Open House

The open house has been a standard marketing instrument for vendors for a long time (though its effectiveness has been questioned for quite a while too). But nowadays, in the age of COVID, open houses do not make much sense anymore, even though they do not pose an absolute health danger. Still, in order to sell your land, there are several other successful things you can do. So let’s take a look at 6 ways without an open house to market your Boise house.

1. Top-Notch Listing Photos

Many top-notch listing images are still one of the top resources for successful marketing, whether you are having an open house or not. It’s just that they become much more relevant when you don’t hold an open house to market your Boise land.

Market Your Boise Selling Property

“Images will make or break the online listing of your home and its appearance on social media. Your best choice could be to employ a skilled photographer, preferably someone who has experience taking pictures of properties for sale, if you are not comfortable with your photography abilities.”

But if you plan to take pictures on your own list, here are a few things to pay special attention to.:

  • The photography equipment (at a minimum, a quality camera and a tripod for clear, focused images)
  • The lighting (natural being best)
  • Getting plenty of quality photos
  • Using a wide-angle lens often
  • Getting the composition right

2. MLS and Online Listing Sites

The MLS and other online listing venues are another strategy that becomes necessary when you don’t hold an open house.

The Multiple Listing Service (actually, a multiple listing service), or MLS, is “a network that provides brokers and agents in a particular area with access to home information for sale.” In the U.S., there are hundreds of MLSnetworks, and the data contained on them is different and much more detailed than the details available on Boise websites.” Usually, your agent will have access to these services and can list your property there.”

And there are also several other online listing venues, some of the bigger ones being Zillow and Trulia, that can extend your marketing scope. Contact an agent Boise at (208)314-1350 to find out how to best use these resources.

3. Virtual Tours 

While they’ve been around for a while, since the introduction of COVID, virtual tours have really taken off. And for one easy reason: they’re working. In reality, virtual tours become crucial when having an open house is out of the question.

“Without having to leave the comfort of their couches, a virtual or video tour of your home will make buyers feel like they are inside the house. On your own, you can create a video tour by slowly walking through the house, narrating what is in each room. . . . [A] The virtual tour[can] simply be a photo slideshow of the house. For others, it’s more like a 3D simulation that makes buyers feel like they’re actually inside the building.”

If you have the equipment and some experience in this area, you can create a virtual tour on your own. However, your best bet is to find an agent who has experience with the formation and implementation of virtual tours.

4. The Power of Social Media

The power and influence of social media is immense, and when trying to sell your[market] city, you completely have to exploit this. When it comes to marketing without having an open house, here’s what the pros recommend. . . . 

“When you are trying to sell your house, social media can be a powerful and free marketing tool. When it comes to the marketing of your property on social media, you have a few choices. You can make a post, including pictures, about your home and share it on either Facebook or Instagram on your personal profile.”

A safer choice is possibly to employ a social-media-savvy agent. Your agent will help you create a website and then make the best use of it. Call (208)314-1350 to discover more about this.

5. Traditional Marketing

The old ways still operate, though online marketing might be number one, and they should not be ignored. And one of these is the yard signs, the front yard’s old stand-by for-sale sign.

Perhaps better is to merge this conventional method with the online marketing of today. For instance, with the sign, you might guide people to the social media page of your property (described above). One way to do this is to build and put a code on the sign so that it can be scanned by people and then go directly to the social media page.

6. A Good Agent

Finding a good agent would be one of the most important things you can do when selling your [market town] property without holding an open house, as we have intimated throughout. And that means that the analysis will need to be conducted because not every agent will have the experience and skills needed.

So make sure your friends and family receive references and recommendations. Check out online reviews of agents’ websites. And then interview potential agents, make sure they ask them about their local background, record of sales, listing-price-to-sale-price ratios, and so on.

By going directly to a reputable agency with seasoned agents, you will, of course, simplify and shorten this process. So if you are ready to start marketing your Boise property without an open house, please contact us at (208)314-1350 today.

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